[vtkusers] RE: vtkqt linking errors

Rupert Shute Rupert.Shute at awe.co.uk
Wed May 28 03:42:04 EDT 2003

	I'm trying to build vtk_qt1.7Beta using vtk4.2 and
qt2.3(non-commercial) with Visual Studio .NET. After much fiddling I have
managed to get the linking errors down to four, but I cannot work out how to
get rid of these (see below).
I've tried all the usual stuff like defining QT_DLL, and the fiddles
necessary to get qt2.3 to work with .NET.
Does anyone have any ideas? I didn't have any problems doing this on my
Linux box!

Many thanks

vtk_qt error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: virtual class
vtkObject * __thiscall vtkQGLLight::NewInstanceInternal(void)const "
(?NewInstanceInternal at vtkQGLLight@@MBEPAVvtkObject@@XZ)

vtk_qt error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual char const
* __thiscall vtkQGLLight::GetClassNameW(void)const "
(?GetClassNameW at vtkQGLLight@@UBEPBDXZ)

vtk_qt error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual int
__thiscall vtkQGLLight::IsA(char const *)" (?IsA at vtkQGLLight@@UAEHPBD at Z)

vtk_qt error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport)
protected: virtual __thiscall 
vtkQGLLight::~vtkQGLLight(void)" (__imp_??1vtkQGLLight@@MAE at XZ) referenced
in function "protected: virtual void * __thiscall vtkQGLLight::`scalar
deleting destructor'(unsigned int)" (??_GvtkQGLLight@@MAEPAXI at Z)

vtk_qt fatal error LNK1120: 4 unresolved externals

vtk_qt warning LNK4217: locally defined symbol ?New at vtkQGLLight@@SAPAV1 at XZ
(public: static class vtkQGLLight * __cdecl vtkQGLLight::New(void)) imported
in function "protected: virtual class vtkObject * __thiscall
vtkQtObjectFactory::CreateObject(char const *)"
(?CreateObject at vtkQtObjectFactory@@MAEPAVvtkObject@@PBD at Z)

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