[vtkusers] Point picking: how to handle mouse (keyboard?) events??

Jonathan Bailleul Jonathan.Bailleul at greyc.ismra.fr
Mon Mar 31 13:36:32 EST 2003

Dear all, 

Though this question should be trivial, I did not figured out how to
solve it through the online doc or thanks to the book that was just
stolen from the library ;(

I would like to find out how to execute a method when a special mouse
event occurs (left button pressed). It seems like i found out how to
retrieve mouse position, already. I would also get content with a
keyboard event, even if I'd prefer a mouse one.

The other problem is I can't figure out how to mix mouse event handling
with standard interaction. Here
(http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~bailleul/These/picker.cc) is a simple
program displaying a mesh that can be moved interactively, with
interaction lauched via: 

  // render an image (lights and cameras are created automatically)

  // begin mouse interaction

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

How should I modify it for my purpose?
The final aim is to retrieve the position of a mesh point selected by
the mouse (not the current point coordinates, but the point in vtk

In advance, thank you for your help.

Jonathan BAILLEUL, Doctorant
GREYC Image - Université de Caen 

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