[vtkusers] saving vtk render as jpg file?

Jeremy S. Lefebvre jslefeb at sandia.gov
Fri Mar 28 12:18:10 EST 2003

    I am using Vtk with Python and I have been wanting to save what I am rendering to a jpg or
tiff file. I have been rendering it to a VRML file then using that to get a jpg or tiff file.
Is there a faster way of doing it?

Jeremy Lefebvre                           Email: jslefeb at sandia.gov
Discrete Math Dept (9215), MS 1110        Phone: (505) 845-0514
P.O. Box 5800, Sandia National Labs       FAX:   (505) 845-7442
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1110

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