[vtkusers] compile vtk with python

Drew McCormack cormack at chem.vu.nl
Mon Mar 24 02:38:07 EST 2003

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 02:19  am, George A. Dowding wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to compile vtk 4.2 with the python wrapper.  I can not
> find a good setting for the ccmake variable
> This is what the the ccmake help says:
> Current option is: PYTHON_LIBRARY
>  Help string for this option is: Where can one of the python23, 
> python2.3,
>  python22, python2.2, python21, python2.1, python20, python2.0, 
> python16,
>  python1.6, python15 or python1.5 libraries be found
> If I set it to /usr/local/lib/python2.2 and try to compile (with
> fingers crossed), I get this error.
> [...lots of stuff being built...]
> Building shared module 
> /usr/home/george/build/VTK-4.2.1/bin/libvtkCommonPython.so...
> /usr/local/lib/python2.2: file not recognized: File format not 
> recognized
> *** Error code 1
I had this problem a few weeks back, and a few people on the mailing 
list answered it for me. The PYTHON_LIBRARY, must be the actual library 
file (ie libpython*.*.a or libpython*.*.so). On my system it is here



  Dr. Drew McCormack (Kmr. R153)
  Afd. Theoretische Chemie
  Faculteit Exacte Wetenschappen
  Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  De Boelelaan 1083
  1081 HV Amsterdam
  The Netherlands

  Email		cormack at chem.vu.nl
  Telephone  	+31 20 44 47623
  Mobile		+31 6 483 21307
  Fax   		+31 20 44 47629

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