[vtkusers] missing vtkImagePlaneWidget.h in CVS version vtk?

Dean Inglis dean.inglis at on.aibn.com
Fri Mar 14 11:37:51 EST 2003


1) in your CVS checkout of VTK, do you have vtkImagePlaneWidget.h and
vtkImagePlaneWidget.cxx under VTK/Hybrid ?

Likely, you do. In which case, you have to build the Hybrid static lib
or shared lib/dll.  If you have built the lib or lib/dll, then you have
to link to it to get at vtkImagePlaneWidget:  for example, the
file in VTK/Examples/Tutorial/Step3/Cxx would have to have

ADD_EXECUTABLE(Cone3 Cone3.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(Cone3 vtkRendering vtkHybrid)

in it if Cone3.cxx were to use a widget of any kind out
of Hybird.


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