[vtkusers] VTK 4.2.1: some tests still fail on SuSE Linux 8.1

Andy Cedilnik andy.cedilnik at kitware.com
Wed Mar 12 15:35:31 EST 2003

Hi Henner,

All the EnSight tests seems to be failing only on your Suse and my
Cigwin. Could you please try to debug one of them? For example, try
running the test in plain shell:

cat Graphics/Testing/Tcl/DartTestfile.txt | grep EnSightBlow1Bin

should tell you how to run test. On My linux:

ADD_TEST(EnSightBlow1Bin-image /home/andy/auto/VTK-64/bin/vtk
/home/andy/auto/VTK/Graphics/Testing/Tcl/EnSightBlow1Bin.tcl -D
/home/andy/auto/VTKData -V Baseline/Graphics/EnSightBlow1Bin.png -A

So, execute that:

/home/andy/auto/VTK/Graphics/Testing/Tcl/EnSightBlow1Bin.tcl -D
/home/andy/auto/VTKData -V Baseline/Graphics/EnSightBlow1Bin.png -A

Thank you.


On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 13:00, Henner Eisen wrote:
> Hi,
> "make test" on SuSE Linux 8.1 prints:
> The following tests FAILED:
>          EnSight6OfficeBin-image
>          EnSightBlow1Bin-image
>          EnSightBlow2Bin-image
>          EnSightBlow3Bin-image
>          EnSightBlow4Bin-image
>          EnSightIronProtBin-image
>          EnSightOfficeBin-image
>          EnSightRectGridBin-image
>          EnSightMandelbrot-image
>          nacaBinary-image
>          volRCClipPlanes-image
>          volRCRotateClip-image
> Are similar problems known with other environments?
> SuSE 8.1 is equipped with gcc 3.2.0, glibc 2.2.5, kernel 2.4.19,
> GNU ld, XFree 4.2.0
> Henner

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