[vtkusers] Problem with vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow

Andrew J. P. Maclean a.maclean at cas.edu.au
Mon Mar 3 19:18:46 EST 2003

Can someone help me with this problem?


If you delete actors mappers etc. and recreate them and rejoin them to
the pipeline, the following message occurs when using ResetCamera():

ERROR: In \vtk\VTK\Rendering\vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow.cxx, line 228

vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow (05546C40): wglMakeCurrent failed in
MakeCurrent(), error: The requested resource is in use.

I don't understand why it is flagged as an error - the requested
resource should still be in use - I haven't deleted the
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow object. I just want to add or modify objects
in the pipeline.


This did not happen in earlier versions from the CVS. I am using the CVS
dated March 3, 2003.







Andrew J. P. Maclean


Centre for Autonomous Systems
The Rose Street Building J04
The University of Sydney  2006  NSW


Ph: +61 2 9351 3283

Fax: +61 2 9351 7474


URL: http://www.cas.edu.au/



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