[vtkusers] slow rendering for xyplot example

Michael Rivera riveram_68 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 25 16:57:14 EDT 2003


 I'm new to VTK but I've been playing with the examples for a couple of
weeks now and I've found that the 2D plot example
VTK_ROOT/Examples/Annotation/tcl/xyplot.tcl is very slow in rendering
the XY plot.

 Is this common for all 2D Actor rendering or is this just this
example? And if it is this example can be made fast/better?

 I've tried this in both Tcl/Tk and I've translated the code to C++
(without the user-defined interactor since I don't know how to do this
yet). In C++ I also rendered two separate windows for the 3D wireframe
and the XY plot, and the XY plot is excessively slow while the 3D
picture renders quickly. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Mike Rivera


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