[vtkusers] create a texture map for an arbitrary surface

Tim Hutton T.Hutton at eastman.ucl.ac.uk
Mon Jul 21 11:56:19 EDT 2003

Hello vtk users,

I would like to create a texture map for an arbitrary polygonal surface 
(for example, to enable painting of any 3D object) - is there an easy way 
to do this in VTK? I don't want to use vtkTextureMapToPlane or similar 
because these don't guarantee a unique bit of texture for each part of the 

My thought is to simply map the list of triangles (ideally polygons) onto 
the unit square using a grid layout, and use that for the texture 
coordinates (duplicating vertices as necessary). Has anyone done something 
similar? Would such a class be useful in VTK?



Tim Hutton,                        http://www.eastman.ucl.ac.uk/~dmi/MINORI
Research Fellow & PhD student,                   T.Hutton at eastman.ucl.ac.uk
MINORI Project, Biomedical Informatics Unit,
Eastman Dental Institute, UCL,                   Tel: [+44] (0)20 7915 2344
256 Gray's Inn Road, London WC1X 8LD, UK         Fax: on request
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