[vtkusers] problem with warp

thomas thomas at cs.uno.edu
Tue Jul 8 18:33:39 EDT 2003

Hi everybody

I am having a problem displaying an image. I want to read the image an create a 3D image from it.  The script is OK and the display window appears but there is no rendering in the window, the window is just empty. Can someone please help me ?

thanks for your help

here is my script :

package require vtklocal

vtkTIFFReader r1
r1 SetFileName "tazc.tif"

vtkImageDataGeometryFilter itop
itop SetInput [r1 GetOutput]

vtkWarpScalar warp
  warp SetInput [itop GetOutput]
  warp SetScaleFactor 1

vtkWindowLevelLookupTable look

vtkPolyDataMapper m
m SetInput [warp GetPolyDataOutput]
m SetScalarRange 0 2000
m ImmediateModeRenderingOff
m SetLookupTable look

vtkActor a 
a SetMapper m

vtkRenderer ren
ren AddActor a

vtkRenderWindow renWin
renWin AddRenderer ren
renWin SetSize 800 600

vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren
iren SetRenderWindow renWin

puts "rendering..."
renWin Render
puts "done"
iren Start

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