[vtkusers] Mixing OpenGL and vtk view

Jean-Dominique Barnichon jeando.barnichon at free.fr
Tue Jul 1 17:15:08 EDT 2003


I'm writting an application (VC++6.0, vtk4.0,) based on the doc/view
architecture, in which there are 2 views.
These 2 views are derived from the MFC View class.

The first view uses OpenGL directly
	CDC* m_pDC = new CClientDC(this);
	HGLRC m_hRC = wglCreateContext (m_pDC->GetSafeHdc());
	wglMakeCurrent (m_pDC->GetSafeHdc(), m_hRC);
	SwapBuffers( m_pDC->GetSafeHdc());
	wglMakeCurrent (NULL,NULL);
	wglDeleteContext (m_hRC);
	if(m_pDC) delete m_pDC;

The second view uses vtk (based on the MFC sample given in the distribution

When only one of these view is open, all is ok.
The problem comes when the "vtk" view is opened while the "OpenGL" view is
already opened.
Everything is fine as long as the "OpenGL" view does not receives a WM_PAINT
If this happens (for instance when you move the "vtk" view above the
"OpenGL" view),
all interactions (zoom, rotate...) of the "vtk" view no longer work.
I suspect that the following line in COpenGLView::OnPaint() may cause
trouble to the "vtk" view :
	wglMakeCurrent (m_pDC->GetSafeHdc (), m_hRC)
as when this line is removed, the vtk interactor works fine (but the OpenGL
view dislpay nothing).

Does this mean that OpenGL and vtk view cannot be used in the same
Or more probably what am I doing wrong?

Thanks for any advice/idea


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