[vtkusers] vtkInteractorStyle::OnTimer causes hang

Robert Wohleb rwohleb at r2tech.com
Tue Jan 28 20:14:10 EST 2003


I am new to VTK, so bare with me. 

I am trying to use VTK inside of wxWindows(wxGTK). I am using the wxVTKWindow class created by David D. Marshall & Brian Todd. Everything works except for the occasional hang. This isn't just my app freezing. It freezes X entirely. I am able to get X back by logging in from another machine and killing my app. While tracing my app it appears to hang in the call to vtkInteractorStyle::OnTimer(). It doesn't always hang in OnTimer(). When I kill my app, though, it displays other debug messages with timestamps from the same time as the freeze ( see below ). Any ideas?

[Debug] 03:51:19 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnMouseMotion
[Debug] 03:51:19 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnMouseMotion
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnLeftMouseButtonDown
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::CreateTimer
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnTimer START
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::CreateTimer
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnTimer END
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnMouseMotion
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnTimer START
       <------------- FREEZE
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::CreateTimer
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnTimer END
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnMouseMotion
[Debug] 03:51:20 PM: wxVTKWindow::OnLeftMouseButtonUp

Robert Wohleb, Software Engineer, R2 Technology Inc.
Cube: 408.481.5814

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