[vtkusers] texture map an arbitary plane within a volume

Dingrong Yi dingryi at sten.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca
Mon Jan 20 17:09:53 EST 2003

Hi vtkusers

I am glad that the Segfault I faced a while ago finally being solved with 
the help from  Donna and David. It was due to two different versions of 
libGL.so.1. Now I need to visuaize an arbitary plane 
of a MRI volume data (or images) with texture mapping.  I read from the
mail list that older version (unknown which one) used to have 
vtk/contrib/TextureReslice.tcl to do exactly what I want. Can any one 
please tell me either (1) which version of vtk contains that example or 
(2) how can I do it with VTK4.n 

Thanks in advance.


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