[vtkusers] Translation and scaling

Paul Tait paul at opes.com.au
Mon Dec 22 02:32:37 EST 2003

Prolem solved

used SetOrigin()

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Paul Tait" <paul at opes.com.au>
To: <vtkusers at vtk.org>
Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 12:58 PM
Subject: [vtkusers] Translation and scaling

> Hi All
> Well my last post didn't get any takers so I'll try a different tack
> my data has the following range
> Bounds:
> Xmin,Xmax: (545700, 549900)
> Ymin,Ymax: (9.96e+006, 9.9656e+006)
> Zmin,Zmax: (-6138, -5455)
> I would like to translate (I think thats the correct term) the data so
> it sits around the 0,0,0 origin. I need this so when I Scale() my data in
> the Z axis it increases uniformly above and below the origin and gives me
> exagerrated or bumpier surface
> I'm trying
> float bounds[6];
> Threed->GetBounds(bounds);
> vtkTransform *trans = vtkTransform::New();
> trans->Translate(-(bounds[0] + (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) / 2),
>                             -(bounds[2] + (bounds[3] - bounds[3]) / 2),
>                             -(bounds[4] + (bounds[5] - bounds[4]) / 2));
> prop->SetUserTransform(trans);
> I've also tried
> prop->AddPosition(-(bounds[0] + (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) / 2),
>                              -(bounds[2] + (bounds[3] - bounds[3]) / 2),
>                              -(bounds[4] + (bounds[5] - bounds[4]) / 2));
> but I'm not getting the same effect as I used to when I adjusted my source
> data before adding it to the various vtk objects I use
> Thanks Paul
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