[vtkusers] HiVision Release 2.0

Sebastian Boenisch Sebastian.Boenisch at iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Dec 9 03:35:55 EST 2003

This is to announce that a new, open source release (GNU license) of the
visualization software HiVision can be downloaded from


HiVision is a visualization platform including advanced visualization
techniques for the analysis and exploration of data supplied
by numerical simulation. Although primarily developed for
visualization in the area of computational fluid dynamics as part of the
HiFlow Project (www.hiflow.de), the HiVision framework is discipline
independent and may be advantageously used in various areas such as
structural mechanics and reactive flow simulation. HiVision has been
developed using the powerful C++ Visualization Toolkit library (VTK)
and for the graphical user interface, the Qt library. The main features
supported in release 2.0 are the following:

- 2D/3D unstructured grids (quadrangle, hexahedron, triangle, tetraeder),
- Scalar data: texture mapping, transparency, colorbar,
               cutplanes, isolines, isosurfaces
- Vector data: interactive creation, streamlines, pathlines, glyphs/hedgehogs
- Stereo rendering,
- Animation (based on MPEG),
- Mouse based interaction.

Your HiVision Team: S. Boenisch, V. Heuveline

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