[vtkusers] Updating a scene

Luke J West ljw at soc.soton.ac.uk
Tue Dec 2 03:57:02 EST 2003

I found out what I needed to do to reflect changes in the window...

if you recall, invoking ren->Render() after actor->SetPosition(x) does not
display the actor at the new position.

I needed to call mapper->Update() before ren->Render() for the changes to take

thanks for you responses.

Luke J West : Research Assistant : e-Science
Rm. 566/12, School of Ocean & Earth Sciences
Southampton Oceanography Centre, Southampton
SO14 3ZH  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 23 8059 4801  Fax: +44 23 8059 3052
Mob: +44 79 6107 4783

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