[vtkusers] see-through volume (top bottom slice untriangulated)

Christos Panagiotou cpanagio at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Wed Aug 27 20:18:11 EDT 2003


is there any "easy" way to fill the top and bottom of a volume?
i have created a volume from multiple slices with contours however the 
top and bottom are not triangulated
(this is logical as they are contours and they are empty)

is there now any easy way to triangulate the the top and bottom?

note that one slice might have maximum 2 contours so there might be two 
top and bottom locations in different z depth...

lets say that the volume looks like this
         --------                                         slice 0      ---
          ----------        -----------                slice 1       | 
            ------------------------                                   |
             ------------------------                                  |
             -----------   ----------                                  Z
              -------         -------                                    |
                ---              ----                     slice 7       |
                                   --                      slice 8      ---

when i rotate the volume it is see-through from top to bottom

i would appreciate any help

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