[vtkusers] VTK 4.2 and Python 2.3 on Windows problem

CEZARD Yann Yann.CEZARD at ifp.fr
Wed Aug 27 05:47:54 EDT 2003

Hi !

I've recently decided to make some tests with Python 2.3, which is sayed
to be faster than 2.2.
As I am using Python for prototyping with VTK, I have compiled VTK 4.2
using Visual Studio .NET on Windows NT. The build is successful, but
when I want to launch MayaVi, or even the test_vtk.py script to test
the VTK installation, I have a read error (memory cannot be read at

D:\User\cezardy\Logiciels\MayaVi\CVS\mayavi\doc>python test_vtk.py
Testing if Tkinter is available...
OK - you have Tkinter
TclVersion = 8.4, TkVersion = 8.4
Testing if your overall installation is OK ...
OK, your installation seems fine!
Testing if VTK can be imported ...
OK, vtkpython found.
Testing if vtkCubeAxesActor2D can be instantiated ...
OK, vtkCubeAxesActor2D can be instantiated.
Testing a sample vtk program.  You should see a 300x300
    pixel window with a black background and with a magenta coloured
    Cone.  You can interact with the cone using the mouse.  To quit
    the test press q on the window.  If this test is successful then
    the basic vtkpython installation is OK.
Testing if vtkRenderWidget can be imported...
OK, vtkRenderWidget found.
Testing a sample vtk program that uses the
    vtkTkRenderWidget.  You should see a 300x300 pixel window with a
    black background and with a magenta coloured Cone.  You can
    interact with the cone using the mouse.  To quit the test press q
    on the window.  If this test is successful then the vtkpython
    installation is OK.  You should be able to use Tkinter and VTK
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here there is no window displayed,
and a dialog box says that the memory cannot be read... than python quits

So my question is : Does anybody succeed in compiling VTK for windows
and Python 2.3 ? Am I missing something ?

I must precise that I have already updated the "vtkLoadPythonTkWidgets.py"
script to the CVS version.

Thanks for any Help !

Yann Cezard

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