[vtkusers] Correction: Transformations and Matrices

Andres Barrera andresba at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 10 16:58:52 EDT 2003

Dear list,

   I am having some hard time by applying sequences of transformations using 
different ways, and trying to get positions and orientations back.....

   I've been reading the vtk books and documentation, and  experimenting 
      - Position and Orientation
      - Matrix  , UserMatrix, and  UserTransform ,
      - using someActor->RotateWXYZ ( qw,qx,qy,qz);
                someActor->SetPosition( x,y,z);
      - someTransform->Translate ( posX, posY, posZ);
        someTransform->RotateWXYZ ( qw,qx,qy,qz);
        someTransform->Translate ( offsetX, offsetY, offsetZ);
        someTransform->Translate ( ............);//to the origin


      - etc.

   Basically I am able to put the actors where I want in many different 
ways, but when I want to get its positions/orientations, transformations, 
and/or matrices, I have lots of inconsistencies.

  Can anyone tell me about some  tutorial, examples, or something that makes 
clear WHERE and HOW are stored all these parameters in the Prop3D?

  Thank you in advance.


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