[vtkusers] problems with ICP alignement

Jonathan.Bailleul Jonathan.Bailleul at greyc.ismra.fr
Thu Aug 7 10:48:54 EDT 2003

Dear all,

I'm using ICP to align polydata of very similar shape but various
positions and orientation. In general, this works fine for the shape I
study, but here is a case where ICP fails!
(http://www.greyc.ismra.fr/~bailleul/These/ICPfail-start.jpg &

Please note that in the general case, I might also be obliged to adjust
the scale factor of the mesh to align in order to converge to a relevant
result: in that one, no adjustment managed to make it.

How could I do to have it work in all cases? Adjusting the initial
orientation of the shapes (how?)?

In advance, thanks a lot for your comments

Jonathan BAILLEUL, Doctorant
GREYC Image - Université de Caen 

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