[vtkusers] order of execution

Christos Panagiotou cpanagio at cs.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 5 04:53:58 EDT 2003

dear all

I have a set of 2D files which I read with vtkImageReader.

when this is done I use vtkContourFilter, vtkPolyDataNormals (to create
a vtkPolyData representation of the volume) (function 1)

and then I create the mapper and the actor.

The renderer, renderwindow, mappe and actor are called in a different
function than the reader (function 2)

Everythings works fine. However I dont call function 2, the system does
not even read the files.
I have debugOn() so I can see when it actually reads the files, and it
reads them after the window is opened
(so i have to wait with a gray screen) and then the object appears. Is
there any way to force vtk to
execute the reading before the window appears? I would like to do this
not only because I am annoyed
by watching a grey screen for 10 seconds, but I need to do other
calculations to.

Also, when function 2 is called nothing after this point is executed as
the window is active an probably the system has to deal with this. If I
want the system to continue with other calculations is there any way to
do it? (threads?)

thank you very much all

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