[vtkusers] Help with composite ray casting

Benjamin King king.benjamin at mh-hannover.de
Tue Aug 5 03:22:58 EDT 2003

Hi Diane,

it is very difficult to get pleasing transfer functions for volume 
rendering. To get an introduction to the shortcomings of the trial and 
error mode you are probably using now you might find an interesting read 
here: www.ices.utexas.edu/ccv/papers/tf-bakeoff-2001.pdf

To get some transfer function to start with you could use VolView (by 
Kitware). The format of the saved functions is very readable and easy to 
parse with tcl.

Hope it helps,

Benjamin King
Institut für Medizinische Informatik
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Tel.: +49  511  532-2663

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