[vtkusers] Get actors and volumes from vtkRenderer in Tcl

Magnus Gedda vtk at fri.nu
Fri Aug 1 05:38:32 EDT 2003


Is there a way to get information on which actors/volumes are added to a
vtkRenderer (using Tcl)?

I need to remove actors/volumes added to a vtkRenderer, but since I
don't keep track which actors/volumes I have added I cannot just use

"GetActors/GetVolumes" looks like the way to go, but how do I extract
the actors/volumes from the returned collections?

This only seems to print the name of the returned collection (vtkTemp0).
$renderer is a vtkRenderer with some actors attached to it:
set renderActors [$renderer GetActors]

foreach actor $renderActors {
   puts $actor	

=> vtkTemp0


Magnus Gedda,
Sidec Technologies

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