[vtkusers] VTK/ITK..

Donna donna at v1.wustl.edu
Mon Apr 21 10:28:44 EDT 2003

Hi yasser,

If you haven't yet subscribed to the ITK mailing list, then consider 
doing so (http://www.itk.org/mailman/listinfo/insight-users); it seems 
pretty responsive to questions like yours.

As for a Tiff reader, Luis Ibanez recently replied to a similar question 
on the ITK users list, but I am unable to find it in the archives, which 
unfortunately are not searchable (at least not from 

Anyway, I recall his recommending ImageMagick (and perhaps another 
third-party image conversion package -- netlib?).  I was lucky, since my 
RedHat 7.1 host already had ImageMagick-5.2.7-2 installed; this package 
included /usr/X11R6/bin/convert, which allowed me to convert my bitmaps 
to raw, grayscale, byte images, which is exactly what i wanted:

for file in i*bmp
         newfile=`echo $file | sed 's/.bmp/.raw/g'`
         convert $file GRAY:$newfile
cat i*raw > rat.raw

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