[vtkusers] (no subject)

Анна Найман annainnet at mail.ru
Sat Apr 19 13:37:21 EDT 2003

I'm also interested in this question, so I followed the link, you wrote in your answer. And I did't find answer to my question. I have polydata file, ths is not unstructured grid, as it's in FAQ, which you point to. Can you write answer directly in the text of your letter? I would be appreciate to you.

Anna Naiman(Russia)


>[quoting Christopher]

>vanessa.noguesruiz at epfl.ch wrote:
>> Hello.
>> I would like to know how to read points from a polydata vtk file, as I do the
>> following:
>> vtkPolyDataReader *lector = vtkPolyDataReader::New();
>>       lector->SetFileName ("D:/Proyecto/vtk/cube.vtk");
>> vtkPolyData *info=vtkPolyData::New();
>> info=lector->GetOutput();
>> vtkPoints *points=vtkPoints::New();
>> 		points=info->GetPoints();
>> and I don't get any points pointed by "points".
>> Could anyone explainme why I am not getting the data in this way? I've also
>> tried to get polygons cells and verts, but it always results NULL or a
>> exception is launched when running, although it compiles and links perfectly.
>> Thanks in advance.

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