[vtkusers] Outline and axes labels problem(1)

yao chan li clyao at cugb.edu.cn
Sat Sep 28 09:57:39 EDT 2002

hi, vtkusers,

Is this a problem in vtk? The outline of the volume data didn't match the soure. It was more obvious in some view angles than in others while rotating. I show you a snipped figure.

piece of the code like these:
	//get an outline of the volume data
	this->outLineData = vtkOutlineFilter::New();
	this->mapOutline = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
	this->outline = vtkActor::New();

Another problem:
The second attached map was about the axes labels. The first box was good and the positions of labels were there as desired. But, the labels changed their positions if the mouse was pressed. Why?

The code was simple:

Maybe the algorithms in FlyMode...s() was not that exact while in interactive mode.
The MFC example vtkSDI in the vtk source also shows the problem!

Any helps are great appreciated.


        Yao Changli
        clyao at cugb.edu.cn
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