[vtkusers] Clipping question

David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz David.Pont at ForestResearch.co.nz
Mon Sep 2 17:40:16 EDT 2002

Andres, I have C++ code for a class (vtkImplicitPolyData) that allows you
to use polydata as an implicit function and thus do clipping. You could use
vtkSphereSource (polygonal sphere) with this class to clip your polydata,
and then use it again to clip the sphere with your polydata. This could
give you the two parts of the sphere. Let me know if you want the code and
I will send it to you.


|        |          "Andres Barrera"       |
|        |          <andresba at hotmail.com> |
|        |          Sent by:               |
|        |          vtkusers-admin at public.k|
|        |          itware.com             |
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|        |          31/08/2002 02:39       |
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  |                                                                                                            |
  |      To:     vtkusers at public.kitware.com                                                                   |
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  |      Subject:     [vtkusers] Clipping question                                                             |

Hello list,

  I have a vtkPolyDataNormals and a clip function vtkSphere. I used
ClipPolyData to get clip and rest surfaces from the PolyDataNormals. That

PolyDataNormals                     clipped PolyDataNormals
                    \ ClipPolyData /
clipfunction(sphere)/              \ rest PolyDataNormals

Now, there is any way of getting the two different parts of my "cutter"

Thanks in advance


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