[vtkusers] Help: Embedded VTK in MFC App - Need additional openGL Window...

Kevin Siangchin kevinsiangchin at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 28 14:11:39 EST 2002

Could use some tips. I have an MFC application with VTK embedded. I simply
use vtk as a quick way to adjust camera position,etc. of a polygonal
model(s). I would like to do additional rendering (raytracing/radiosity) in
an opengl window. First I'd like to ask for pointers as to how to do this
Second, I've already created an opengl window class - generic WIN32
implementation. The opengl window has its own event handler. My problems are
as follows:

(1) For now the opengl window simply renders a colored triangle (w/o
raytracing,etc). When the window is created and the scene is rendered I seem
to lose
contact with the associated event handler. Specifically, in order for me to
respond again to mouse events and the like I have to click outside the main
application - either activate (bring to the foreground) another application
or click on the taskbar slot [for lack of a better term] of the opengl
window or main application window - then reactivate the opengl window. In
other words, I have to deactivate (send to background) the main application
or the opengl window, then reactivate (send to the foreground), in order for
the opengl window to respond to messages. After this transition from
foreground (after creation) to background to foreground, the messages seem
like they are routed to the right handlers. NOTE: This problem occurs even
when I create the opengl window in a simple AppWizard Generated SDI
application. (see http://xtopia0.tripod.com/testcode/openglwintest.zip for
the code )

(2) When I return to the main application I no longer can render anything
using my VTK window. That window simply repaints - upon resize, move, etc -
the scene prior to the spawning the opengl window. I can no longer use the
vtkInteractor to change that scene (or perhaps I can use the interactor, but
the rendering does not occur) or display other objects. I just get the scene
prior to the creation and displaying of the opengl window. I suspect it may
have to do with VTK's rendering context.

Any suggestions on how to create/manage an separate opengl window in an MFC
application using VTK would be greatly appreciated. And any help with (1)
and (2) would likewise be appreciated.


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