[vtkusers] Picking questions

Sherwood, P (Paul) P.Sherwood at dl.ac.uk
Thu Oct 24 04:13:08 EDT 2002


>>>>> "PS" == P Sherwood <Sherwood> writes:
    PS> I am not keen on keeping tables if I can associate the data
    PS> with the actor in some way and recover it on the pick, the
    PS> lambda method seems to do this (albeit inelegantly).

>> .... Basically, AFAIK, you cant
>>  stick data into the vtkActors.  Instead you can wrap the 
>>  vtkActor with a simple class. 

thanks for the hint, this does seem a nicer way to do it.

I am still keen to hear if anyone has any ideas on my other question,
how to implement a "rubberband type" multiple selection.


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