[vtkusers] vtkInteractorStyle

Jeremy Winston winston at cat.rpi.edu
Sat Oct 5 09:05:04 EDT 2002

Steffen Oeltze wrote:
> Alan McIntyre wrote:
> > Steffen,
> >
> > As far as passing function pointers goes, there is a difference
> > between this:
> >     obj->SetSomething(my_function());
> > and this:
> >     obj->SetSomething(&my_function);
> I receive an error during compiling saying that this is not a valid call
> for a member-function.
> obj->SetLeftButtonPressMethodArgDelete(&this->get_mousePos);

Shouldn't it just be

        "(this->get_mousePos)" ?

(Versus "(&this->get_mousePos)"
     or "(this->get_mousePos())" ).


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