[vtkusers] Probing unstructured point data onto an unstructured grid

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Wed Nov 13 14:07:26 EST 2002

>>>>> "AL" == Alex Lennon <alennon at tcd.ie> writes:

    AL> Hi, I'm using vtk to visualise results of finite element
    AL> simulations and would like to sample integration point results
    AL> to nodes. To do this I'm using two separate unstructured grid
    AL> files: one with the integration points and their associated
    AL> data, and the other with just the nodes (i.e. points) and
    AL> elements (i.e. cells). I'm working in python (which I'm pretty

I'm not completely clear on what exactly you want to do, but are you
simply trying to convert your PointData to CellData?  If so, you dont
need to go through all this probing.  Simply use the
vtkPointDataToCellData class to do the job.

If that is not the case I am confused with a few things in your data:

 1. brick_8.ipr defines no volumes and only points.  Probing with this
 will only give you the values at these points.  Visualizing these
 points will not be any fun, you'll just see a bunch of tiny coloured
 points.  If you want to probe the volume then you need to probe with
 another volume.

 2. The points in your brick_8.ipr do not coincide with the points in
 brick_8.vtk.  Is this what you want?

 3. I am not entirely sure if probing will work the way you want with
 cell data and point data.


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