[vtkusers] Streamlines from scalars of structured points. Needing help!

stefano mininel mininel.ml at gnbts.univ.trieste.it
Thu May 30 10:10:36 EDT 2002

I know there should be an easy answer but right now I'm blocked.
I've got a
"vtkStructuredPoints *pPotGrid;"
with its scalars containing electric potential values around a current
dipole source (calculated from a previous PDE numerical solution and
copied in this vtk object for visualization of the results).
I want to show some current lines, so I tried with

// using sphere source to have a bunch of points around the dipole
vtkSphereSource *pNearPoints = vtkSphereSource::New();
    pNearPoints->... // other sphere settings

// setting the integrator for the streamlines
 vtkRungeKutta4 *pIntegrator = vtkRungeKutta4::New();

vtkStreamLine *pStreamer = vtkStreamLine::New();
  pStreamer->... // other streamline settings, quite standard and copied
from vtk examples

... // all the other things in visualization pipeline

But upon rendering I receive the message "ERROR: in... No vector data
True, I say! The structured points object contains only scalars. I need
So I go with

vtkImageGradient* grad = vtkImageGradient::New();
    grad->SetDimensionality( 3 );
and put

But I receive the same error message.
Probably I doing something very stupid but I'm lost in a maze, and I
hope someone can enlighten me.
Thanks in advance for any tip/help/suggestion/insult (erh ... not the
last I hope!).

    Stefano Mininel

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