[vtkusers] Very basic question on importing the .h files

Mike Robertson fermion at mac.com
Sat May 4 00:13:30 EDT 2002

How do I set up my system so that the c++, etc. compilers know where to find
such files as ... ?
example.c++:1: vtkQuadric.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:2: vtkSampleFunction.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:3: vtkContourFilter.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:4: vtkOutlineFilter.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:5: vtkPolyDataMapper.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:6: vtkActor.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:7: vtkRenderWindow.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:8: vtkRenderer.h: No such file or directory
example.c++:9: vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h: No such file or directory

They're located in the proper subdirectories of /usr/local/vtk/VTK. I'm on
os x, so I use the setenv command.



Michael Robertson
fermion at mac.com

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