[vtkusers] removing bounding box when picking

Charl P. Botha c.p.botha at its.tudelft.nl
Mon Jun 24 15:58:37 EDT 2002

On Mon, Jun 24, 2002 at 11:56:27AM -0600, Campbell, Robert E wrote:
>  I want the picking to work, but no visual feedback to be shown.

Please do not top-quote, it makes it difficult to create a readable reply. :)

In anycase, have a look at vtkInteractorStyle.cxx, and especially at the
HighlightProp method.  

Unless somebody else has a better idea, you're going
to have to derive a new vtkInteractorStyle class.

You could:
1. derive a new vtkInteractorStyle class.  This is probably going to be more
   trouble than it's worth.
2. use AddObserver on the RenderWindowInteractor to add a callback for
   vtkCommand::EndPickEvent.  In this callback, call HighlightProp(NULL) on
   the associated InteractorStyle.  This is a bit kludgy, but it has high
3. Do not switch off the visual feedback.  It's quite handy.

charl p. botha http://cpbotha.net/ http://visualisation.tudelft.nl/

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