[vtkusers] delaunay2D issue

Sebastien_MARAUX maraux at ondim.fr
Mon Jun 24 08:57:57 EDT 2002

This byte of code does not produce any triangle.
any idea about what I did wrong?

tmpPolyData is a vtkPolyData;
points coordinates range from 
500000 to 1000000 in x and z,
 -5000 to 5000 in y

cout <<"# points : " <<tmpPolyData->GetNumberOfPoints() <<endl; //49587
cout <<"# polys : " <<tmpPolyData->GetNumberOfPolys() <<endl;   // 0

vtkDelaunay2D *delaunay = vtkDelaunay2D::New();

cout <<"# points : " <<delaunay->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPoints() <<endl;  // 0, expected 49587
cout <<"# polys : " <<delaunay->GetOutput()->GetNumberOfPolys() <<endl;    // 0, expected around 100 000


Sebastien MARAUX
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