[vtkusers] vtkStreamer and vtkFunctionSet

Berk Geveci berk.geveci at kitware.com
Fri Jun 21 08:27:52 EDT 2002

Oh, did I not mention that we are working on a new (XML based) file
format ? :-) This doesn't mean that VTK shouldn't support HDF and
netCDF. I believe it should. We have experimented with both and 
have some readers for specific versions of both. The main problem is
that they are very general and require additional information describing
which arrays correspond to geometry, which to data etc. Also, netCDF and
HDF readers would require additional libraries since we don't want
to distribute the libaries with VTK.


On Fri, 2002-06-21 at 03:42, Luca Antiga wrote:
> Hi Prabhu,
> I agree with you as to file format. By now I use vtkFieldData to store 
> velocity time steps as vtkFloatArray's (the improvement in data classes made 
> with vtk4.0 was cool) and save the whole in a vtk file. To distinguish data 
> arrays you can put them in order them or, better, name them, but a more 
> hierarchical organization of information is needed (maybe making use of XML, 
> so to conform once for all to that standard).
> Since this would mean re-designing some vtk features, I think we'd better 
> wait for discussion with Berk and collegues.
> Hear you soon
> Luca
> >From: Prabhu Ramachandran <prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in>
> >To: "Luca Antiga" <lucantiga at hotmail.com>
> >CC: vtkusers at public.kitware.com
> >Subject: Re: [vtkusers] vtkStreamer and vtkFunctionSet
> >Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 22:49:58 +0530
> >
> > >>>>> "LA" == Luca Antiga <lucantiga at hotmail.com> writes:
> >
> >     LA> Hi Berk, (sorry for the repeated message, I wasn't sure about
> >     LA> mail delivery) I needed to track massless particles in a
> >     LA> time-varying pulsatile CFD simulation of blood vessels.  I did
> >     LA> it by first writing a vtkInterpolatedTransientVelocityField,
> >
> >[snip]
> >
> >     LA> vtkStreakLine class which slightly generalize their steady
> >     LA> couterparts.  If you want I can send you the code of the three
> >     LA> classes.  Thanks for consideration
> >
> >Sounds great!  Would be nice if this code were part of VTK.  Quite a
> >while ago there was talk of creating a more advanced data file format
> >for VTK that would support more features.  There was also talk of
> >streak lines etc.  Here are a few thoughts I've had.  They are still
> >thoughts and I'm not going to have time to implement anything either.
> >Effectively this is a wish list.  Just in case someone is listening.
> >
> >  1. A slightly more intelligent VTK file.  Maybe an additional file
> >  format that allows for a more flexible syntax with scope for multiple
> >  datasets, something like a #include  etc.
> >
> >  2. I guess Luca's classes handle integration over time.  So that
> >  should be already done.
> >
> >  3. The ablity to use zipped VTK files.  Would this be useful or are
> >  binary files good enough?  Now that zlib is distributed as part of
> >  VTK this should not be a problem to implement.
> >
> >
> >cheers,
> >prabhu
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