[vtkusers] 3D PointCloud Visualization VERSUS Memory usage

Devrim AKÇA dakca at ins.itu.edu.tr
Tue Jun 18 18:20:06 EDT 2002

Hello (from an unexperienced VTK user) to all VTK users, 

I have a Point Cloud which have 3 000 000 points. Every point have  X-Y-Z 
coordinates (float) and an intensity value (integer). How can I visualize 
this point cloud in a afficiently manner (with using minumum MEMORY)? 

For visualization of this point cloud, I write a code (below). But when it 
runs, it takes approximately 250MB memory from OS. But the size of my data 
approximately 40MB. What is the meaning of this big difference? 

So, it works very very slowly. Is there another efficiently solution? 

float x[3];
vtkIdType pts[1];
int iPON; 


vtkPolyData *cloud = vtkPolyData::New();
vtkPoints *points = vtkPoints::New();
vtkCellArray *cells = vtkCellArray::New();
vtkIntArray *intensities = vtkintArray::New(); 

//loop started...


//loop ended... 

cloud->SetPoints(points);              points->Delete();
cloud->SetPolys(cells);                cells->Delete();
cloud->GetPointData()->SetScalars(intensities);  intensities->Delete(); 

vtkPolyDataMapper *cloudMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();

vtkActor *cloudActor = vtkActor::New();


My Specifications: C++Builder 5.0 + WIN2000
                  Pentium III CPU + 128MB Memory
                  ATI 3D RAGE PRO AGP 2X (8 MB) displayCard
Is there a more efficient and more faster way to visualize this PointCloud? 
If anybody prefer something to me I would be pleased... 

Best Regards... 


Ass.Res.M.Devrim AKCA
Istanbul Technical University
Dep. of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
Division of Photogrammetry
80626-Maslak/Istanbul  TURKEY
+90 212 2856553
+90 533 2200022 

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