[vtkusers] Parametric Representations of surfaces

Andrew J. P. Maclean a.maclean at acfr.usyd.edu.au
Tue Jun 18 01:00:10 EDT 2002

Is it possible for vtk to handle parametric representations of a surface
in a way simular to the implicit functions? 


For a given p(u, v) in [0, 2* PI]

Generate x(p), y(p), z(p), x'(p), y'(p), z'(p) and use them in a similar
way to the implicit functions like vtkSphere etc.


Has anyone any ideas on how to do plots of parametric representations of
a surface?





Andrew J. P. Maclean


Australian Centre for Field Robotics

The Rose Street Building J04

The University of Sydney  2006  NSW



Room:  106

Phone: +61 2 9351 3283

Fax:   +61 2 9351 7474





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