[vtkusers] about Dicom3 viewer

Robert Belleman robbel at science.uva.nl
Mon Jun 17 07:34:37 EDT 2002



-- Rob

[] Robert Belleman         X  Section Computational Science            []
[] robbel at science.uva.nl  |X| University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands []
[] tel: (+31) 20 525 7510  X  http://www.science.uva.nl/~robbel/       []

> Dear all:
>        Does anyone know how I can open files in Dicom3 format? I
>        searched for the programs, but
> failed all the time. Many programs deals with Dicom2 format and it
> seems these program can't  work with Dicom3 format. Is there any hint
> for this?  Thank you very much.
> regards,
> zhang zhijun

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