[vtkusers] Lines width
vtk at le.isac.cnr.it
vtk at le.isac.cnr.it
Wed Jun 12 04:18:33 EDT 2002
Hi ,
I work witdh VTK 4, tcl/tk on linux workstation.
I'd drow a line, but i want to change a width.
Can i do to change it?
vtkPoints Pts
#set barra [expr $barra + $incrementobarra]
Pts InsertNextPoint 0.70 0.055 0.0
Pts InsertNextPoint 0.70 0.055 0.0
vtkCellArray Lines
Lines InsertNextCell 2
Lines InsertCellPoint 0
Lines InsertCellPoint 1
vtkPolyData Grid
Grid SetPoints Pts
Grid SetLines Lines
# Set up the mapper and actor (2D) for the grid.
vtkPolyDataMapper2D mapper_linea
mapper_linea SetInput Grid
mapper_linea SetTransformCoordinate normCoords
vtkActor2D gridActor
gridActor SetMapper mapper_linea
[gridActor GetProperty] SetColor 0 1 0
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