[vtkusers] Re: NVidia 1.0-2802 problem also in vtk4

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Jun 10 14:47:53 EDT 2002

>>>>> "ST" == Samson Timoner <samson at mit.edu> writes:

    ST> I have just installed the newest version of the Nvidia drivers
    ST> and all my previous problems have gone away.

    ST> Info: Nvidia 1.0-2960 vtk3.2 XFree86-4 Debian Testing Linux
    ST> 2.4.18-686 nVidia Riva TnT2

    ST>  So, I think Nvidia fixed the problem.

Thanks for letting us know! 

[who is very happy not to have to backport the debian nvidia*
packages in the future!]

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