[vtkusers] BUG: vtkImageData::ComputeBounds() ... + solution

John Biddiscombe jbiddiscombe at skippingmouse.co.uk
Thu Jul 18 16:18:06 EDT 2002

> rendering of images would also have to take this into account,
> vtkImageActor would need to be modified. Volume rendering would also

When the time comes to do the change, I've already got a vtkImagePlotActor class which has options

PixelRecentre(On/Off), this shifts the pixel points so that they lie in the centre of the pixel (and the uses bounds +/- 0.5 at each

IncludeEdgePixel(On/Off), this option effectively expands the size by one or not to take into account the +1 effect at the far edge

It is only working on 2D plots (maps and overlays etc) at the moment and uses other customized classes so I couldn't contribute it
as is, but in principle I may be able to help.

(On holiday after posting this, so can't reply if required)

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