[vtkusers] VTK startup problems

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Mon Jul 8 23:31:03 EDT 2002

>>>>> "BvB" == Bertwim van Beest <bwvb at xs4all.nl> writes:

    BvB> Thank you very much for your answer. I now can run all the
    BvB> examples!  I am still puzzled by the vtk-directory structure.
    BvB> QUESTION: Are all the include files (*.h) supposed to reside
    BvB> in a single directory?  I assume this is the case. Could
    BvB> somebody provide a directory listing of all the required .h
    BvB> files? Mine apparently is incomplete... I can't compile any
    BvB> vtk-example myself, because of include files that are not
    BvB> found. Yet I have followed the *precise* installation
    BvB> instructions.

    BvB> QUESTION: is a 'make install' required? The README.html
    BvB> doesn't say so...

The vtk source directory organizes the various headers into different
subdirectories.  When these are installed they all go into some
particular directory.  Usually that is $CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include.
So I guess the makefile is expecting that all the headers are in that
directory.  If that is the case then make install is necessary.
However, it is possible to use VTK without having to run make install.
Just build the libraries and compile programs (something) like so:


g++ -I$VTK_PATH -I$VTK_PATH/Common -I$VTK_PATH/Filtering \
-I$VTK_PATH/Graphics -I$VTK_PATH/Hybrid -I$VTK_PATH/IO \
-I$VTK_PATH/Imaging -I$VTK_PATH/Patented \
-I$VTK_PATH/Rendering -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11 \
-L $VTK_PATH/lib -lvtkCommon -lvtkFiltering -lvtkGraphics \
-lvtkHybrid -lvtkIO -lvtkImaging -lvtkPatented -lvtkRendering $@

You will also need to export your LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to the
directory that contains the built libraries.

BTW, Jeff Lee posted saying CMake has a bug with installing the header
files.  So maybe thats the problem you are running into.


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