[vtkusers] How to resample and smooth surface?

Luca Antiga lucantiga at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 31 03:57:07 EST 2002

Dear Aaron,
vtkButterflySubdivisionScheme is an interpolating subdivision scheme for 
triangulated surfaces (it generates four triangles for every triangle of the 
original surface at each subdivision step; the original points are 
preserved). It leads to C1 surfaces. When the surface is sufficiently dense 
you can generate the final surface by finding the intersections of the 
subdivided surface with the lines of normal (0,0,1) and origin on each xy 
If the surface you have to reconstruct if a function of xy, you can also 
work with points defined on the xy plane, with the values of your function 
stored as point data. This way the problem reduces to R2 function 
interpolation. After you generate all the points you need along with their 
interpolated scalar values, you can triangulate them on the plane with 
vtkDelaunay2D and finally warp the points on the z coordinates.
Hope this helps

Bioengineering Dept.
Mario Negri Institute, Bergamo, Italy

>From: Aaron Boxer <boxerab at yahoo.com>
>To: VTk_Users <vtkusers at public.kitware.com>
>Subject: [vtkusers] How to resample and smooth surface?
>Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 20:59:16 -0800 (PST)
>Dear VTK users,
>I have created a surface from a point set using
>vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter. But, the points are
>quite sparse, so the surface is not smooth.
>Can anyone tell me how to create a new surface that
>approximates the old one, but has points at each
>integer coordinate on the xy plane (within the
>original surface projection)?
>Aaron Boxer
>boxerab at NOSPAMyahoo.com
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