[vtkusers] Windows Precompiled missing Tcl/Tk libs?

Pan, Tony C (CRD) tpan at crd.ge.com
Thu Jan 24 09:24:23 EST 2002

Good morning.  I don't know if this is by design or not: the windows precompiled distribution does
not include Tcl/Tk libs, nor does it set up the TCLLIBPATH in the environment automatically.

This means that VTKTcl40.exe + VTKCore40.exe does not make a out-of-box solution.  I had to install
ActiveTcl and also set my TCLLIBPATH manually.

VTK3.2 executables were able to run right after installation.

I was not able to find anything documentation addressing this issue in the mailing list archive, the
online download doc, the FAQ, the readme files included in the package. (The readme in the
Wrapping/tcl does talk about setting up TCLLIBPATH, but I had to find the file first).  Please let me
know if this is indeed an problem.  If not, please update the website or include some kind of
install-readme file to let users know about the additional steps.

Thank you.

Tony Pan

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