[vtkusers] Picking problems in Java

Jeff Lee jeff at cdnorthamerica.com
Wed Jan 23 08:06:48 EST 2002

Sorry.  Here is the deal.  The code you sent is fine, but if you want 
more accurate picking you should use vtkPropPicker instead of vtkPicker. 
 Your revised method should look something like this:

  public void picked() {
    vtkPropPicker picker=new vtkPropPicker();
    System.out.println("Selection point: ("+lastX+","+lastY+")");
    vtkActor actor=picker.GetActor();
    if (actor==coneActor) {
    else if (actor==sphereActor) {


Carlos Martinez Burgos wrote:

>Hi Jeff.
>Sorry but I didn't explain myself. The code below is my own code. In it I
>have used vtkPanel adding picking functionality without interactor but the
>picking doesn't works well.  Follow the instructions on the command line
>and you could see it. If you get good results, perhaps is my VTK
>compilation or a wrong picker.
>The code that uses the interactor is one that Ross Marges sent to me. I
>didn't send it because I don't know if he want to publish it to the list.  
>In it he used the vtkPanel but without GUI. He don't run the show() method
>to rise the window of the GUI. It uses interactor.Start() method. If I run
>the show() method two windows appear, one with the GUI (vtkPanel) and
>another with the renderWindow and the interactor. I think that this could
>be a problem of the Java wrapper that rise a new window on the start
>method of the interactor.
>Sorry again. I send a copy of this mail to the list, to make it clear.
>On Mon, 21 Jan 2002, J.A. Lee wrote:
>>Hi Carlos,
>>You don't need the interactor if you are using vtkPanel.  I would try 
>>subclassing  vtkPanel and adding the picking functionality to the 
>>subclass.  I don't see any renderWindowInteractor in the code below - am 
>>I missing something?  The code below looks right.  I didn't respond to 
>>the users list on this one because I think it has been addressed before.
>>Carlos Martinez Burgos wrote:
>>>Hi all.
>>>Some months ago I sent a mail to the list telling that I had problems with 
>>>picking in Java. I send the code as attachment.
>>>Ross Manges answered me with some code. This code uses a 
>>>vtkRenderWindowInteractor. I run it and everything is ok. The problem is 
>>>that I have to add a GUI to the program and if I add it to the vtkPanel 
>>>and show it, two windows appear. One of the GUI and other of the renderer. 
>>>I would that the renderer panel was in the same window that the GUI.
>>>Is this resolved on VTK4.0? Why does the interactor open a window? Could 
>>>you help me with some code in Java please?
>>>Thanks in advance.
>>>import java.awt.*;
>>>import java.awt.event.*;
>>>import javax.swing.*;
>>>import vtk.*;
>>>public class PickTest extends JFrame implements KeyListener,MouseListener,MouseMotionListener {
>>>   MyVTKPanel panelVTK;
>>>   vtkConeSource cone;
>>>   vtkOutlineFilter coneOutline;
>>>   vtkPolyDataMapper coneMapper,coneOutlineMapper;
>>>   vtkActor coneActor,coneOutlineActor;
>>>   vtkSphereSource sphere;
>>>   vtkOutlineFilter sphereOutline;
>>>   vtkPolyDataMapper sphereMapper,sphereOutlineMapper;
>>>   vtkActor sphereActor,sphereOutlineActor;
>>>   int lastX,lastY;
>>>   boolean helpShowed=false;
>>>   public PickTest() {
>>>	super("Picking test");
>>>	addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
>>>		public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
>>>		    System.exit(0);
>>>		}
>>>	    });
>>>	panelVTK=new MyVTKPanel();
>>>	panelVTK.setSize(700,700);
>>>	panelVTK.LightFollowCameraOn();
>>>	panelVTK.getRenderer().SetBackground(1,1,1);
>>>	panelVTK.addKeyListener(this);
>>>	panelVTK.addMouseListener(this);
>>>	panelVTK.addMouseMotionListener(this);
>>>	getContentPane().add(panelVTK,BorderLayout.CENTER);
>>>	cone=new vtkConeSource();
>>>	vtkPolyDataMapper coneMapper=new vtkPolyDataMapper();
>>>	coneMapper.SetInput(cone.GetOutput());
>>>	coneActor=new vtkActor();
>>>	coneActor.SetMapper(coneMapper);
>>>	coneOutline=new vtkOutlineFilter();
>>>	coneOutline.SetInput(cone.GetOutput());
>>>	coneOutlineMapper=new vtkPolyDataMapper();
>>>	coneOutlineMapper.SetInput(coneOutline.GetOutput());
>>>	coneOutlineActor=new vtkActor();
>>>	coneOutlineActor.SetMapper(coneOutlineMapper);
>>>	coneOutlineActor.GetProperty().SetColor(0,0,0);
>>>	coneOutlineActor.PickableOff();
>>>	coneOutlineActor.VisibilityOff();
>>>	panelVTK.getRenderer().AddActor(coneActor);
>>>	panelVTK.getRenderer().AddActor(coneOutlineActor);
>>>	sphere=new vtkSphereSource();
>>>	sphereMapper=new vtkPolyDataMapper();
>>>	sphereMapper.SetInput(sphere.GetOutput());
>>>	sphereActor=new vtkActor();
>>>	sphereActor.SetMapper(sphereMapper);
>>>	sphereActor.SetPosition(1,0,0);
>>>	sphereOutline=new vtkOutlineFilter();
>>>	sphereOutline.SetInput(sphere.GetOutput());
>>>	sphereOutlineMapper=new vtkPolyDataMapper();
>>>	sphereOutlineMapper.SetInput(sphereOutline.GetOutput());
>>>	sphereOutlineActor=new vtkActor();
>>>	sphereOutlineActor.SetMapper(sphereOutlineMapper);
>>>	sphereOutlineActor.GetProperty().SetColor(0,0,0);
>>>	sphereOutlineActor.SetPosition(1,0,0);
>>>	sphereOutlineActor.PickableOff();
>>>	sphereOutlineActor.VisibilityOff();
>>>	panelVTK.getRenderer().AddActor(sphereActor);
>>>	panelVTK.getRenderer().AddActor(sphereOutlineActor);
>>>   }
>>>   public void picked() {
>>>	vtkPicker picker=new vtkPicker();
>>>	System.out.println("Selection point: ("+lastX+","+lastY+")");
>>>	picker.Pick(lastX,getSize().getHeight()-lastY,0,panelVTK.getRenderer());
>>>	vtkActor actor=picker.GetActor();
>>>	if (actor==coneActor) {
>>>	    pickedCone();
>>>	}
>>>	else if (actor==sphereActor) {
>>>	    pickedSphere();
>>>	}
>>>   }
>>>   public void pickedCone() {
>>>	if (coneOutlineActor.GetVisibility()==0) 
>>>	    coneOutlineActor.VisibilityOn();
>>>	else
>>>	    coneOutlineActor.VisibilityOff();
>>>   }
>>>   public void pickedSphere() {
>>>	if (sphereOutlineActor.GetVisibility()==0) 
>>>	    sphereOutlineActor.VisibilityOn();
>>>	else
>>>	    sphereOutlineActor.VisibilityOff();
>>>   }
>>>   public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
>>>	if (e.getKeyChar()=='u') {
>>>	    picked();
>>>	}
>>>	else if (e.getKeyChar()=='r') {
>>>	    panelVTK.getCamera().Azimuth(130);
>>>	    panelVTK.getCamera().OrthogonalizeViewUp();
>>>	    panelVTK.getLight().SetPosition(panelVTK.getCamera().GetPosition());
>>>	    panelVTK.getLight().SetFocalPoint(panelVTK.getCamera().GetFocalPoint());
>>>	    System.out.println("Now point to the cone at left of position (465,350) and pick with key 'u'");
>>>	}
>>>	else if (e.getKeyChar()=='h') {
>>>	    System.out.println("1: press the 'r' key to reset the camera.");
>>>	    System.out.println("2: point to the cone at left of position (465,350)");
>>>	    System.out.println("3: press the 'u' key to pick the object");
>>>	    System.out.println("In my computer I get the sphere selected instead of the cone. Do you?");
>>>	    helpShowed=true;
>>>	}
>>>	panelVTK.Render();
>>>   }
>>>   public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) {}
>>>   public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) {}
>>>   public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
>>>	lastX=e.getX();
>>>	lastY=e.getY();
>>>	if (helpShowed)
>>>	    System.out.println("Mouse point: ("+lastX+","+lastY+")");
>>>   }
>>>   public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {}
>>>   public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {}
>>>   public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
>>>	lastX=e.getX();
>>>	lastY=e.getY();
>>>	if (helpShowed)
>>>	    System.out.println("Mouse point: ("+lastX+","+lastY+")");
>>>   }
>>>   public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {}
>>>   public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {}
>>>   public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
>>>	lastX=e.getX();
>>>	lastY=e.getY();
>>>	if (helpShowed)
>>>	    System.out.println("Mouse point: ("+lastX+","+lastY+")");
>>>   }
>>>   public static void main(String args[]) {
>>>	PickTest frame=new PickTest();
>>>	frame.pack();
>>>	frame.setVisible(true);
>>>	System.out.println("Press the 'h' key to view some instructions.");
>>>   }
>>>   class MyVTKPanel extends vtkPanel {
>>>	public MyVTKPanel() {
>>>	    super();
>>>	}
>>>	public vtkCamera getCamera() {
>>>	    return cam;
>>>	}
>>>	public vtkLight getLight() {
>>>	    return lgt;
>>>	}
>>>   }

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