[vtkusers] Loss of render window interaction on updating vtk

Prabhu Ramachandran prabhu at aero.iitm.ernet.in
Tue Jan 22 12:45:28 EST 2002

>>>>> "GK" == George Kamucha <kamucha at hfm.e-technik.uni-kassel.de> writes:

    GK> Hi all, I have been using vtk 3.1.2 (official release) when
    GK> working with vtkQGL. This version has been working fine but
    GK> unfortunately, it doesn't have some transformation classes
    GK> which I require in my work. I therefore added some classes
    GK> from its closest relative, a nightly vtk 3.1 release 606N,
    GK> which I had tested and it was working perfectly. The classes I

I think it is a better idea to simply move to VTK 4.x and port vtkQGL
to use the 4.x code.  I dont think it should be too hard to do if you
are reasonably acquainted with VTK and Qt.  I believe that it should
cause less hair loss. :)


p.s. I dont use Qt but am sure that it shouldnt be too hard to move
vtkQGL to VTK 4.x.

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