[vtkusers] How do I check point ordering of a cell?

Will Schroeder will.schroeder at kitware.com
Fri Jan 18 12:50:37 EST 2002

Hi Steve-

>In a large data set, I have some cells (tetrahedrons or hexahedrons)
>that I suspect have incorrect point ordering.  Is
>vtkCell->EvaluatePosition(...) how I should check for these cells (point
>inside/outside the cell)?  Or, is there another method?

Do a GetCell() on the suspect cell. Then get the PointIds of the cell. 
Something like

vtkGenericCell *cell = vtkGenericCell::New();

vtkIdList *ids = cell->GetPointIds();
id = ids->GetId(0);
id = idx->GetId(1);


William J. Schroeder, Ph.D.
Kitware, Inc.
469 Clifton Corporate Parkway
Clifton Park, NY 12065
will.schroeder at kitware.com
1-518-371-3971 x102 (phone)
1-518-371-3971 (fax)

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