[vtkusers] vtkImageStencil

David Netherway david.netherway at adelaide.edu.au
Fri Jan 18 02:21:10 EST 2002

Hello vtkusers,

I tried to use this method vtkImageStencil-> SetBackgroundImage following
the examples TestStencilWithImage.tcl and TestStencilWithFunction.tcl
and only read the "not yet implemented" note in the documentation printed
below after the following error message apperaed:
vtkImageStencil (0x02CD11A0): Execute: BackgroundInput must have the same
WholeExtent as the Input.
This is the same error message that TestStencilWithFunction.tcl gives.

The documentation states:
NOTE: Not yet implemented, use SetBackgroundValue instead. Set the second
input. This image will be used for the 'outside' of the stencil. If not set,
the output voxels will be filled with BackgroundValue instead.

Is this supposed to work (because there is an example using it)? Has anyone
implemented this yet? Is it being worked on at present?

Thanks, David

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