[vtkusers] help: balls and arrows

Joey Mukherjee joey at phobos.space.swri.edu
Wed Jan 16 18:28:51 EST 2002

>What I find is that the Spheres are placed at the points, and the the
>Arrows always start at the origin. I think that they have the correct
>orientation, but I'd really like to attach them to the spheres, and not
>emanating from the origin.

Use a vtkTransform and translate the arrows a bit on the X axis.  That worked 
for me.  I haven't used vtkArrowSource (is that new?), but I made an arrow with 
a vtkConeSource and vtkCylinder, used vtkAppendPolyDataFilter and then did the 


+                                                                          +
+     Joey Mukherjee                 "The price of freedom is eternal      +
+     joey at swri.org                   vigilance, or $12.50 as seen on      +
+                                     E-Bay...                             +
+                                                                          +

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